ATBG: Why does my code not crash?

For a change of page, today on the Coverity Development Testing Blog’s continuing series Ask The Bug Guys I’ll talk about mostly C and C++, with a little Java and C# thrown in at the end. I’ll discuss a very common question I see on StackOverflow in the “C” and “C++” tags: “here’s a clearly buggy program that I wrote; why does it not AV / segfault / crash when I run it?” Check it out! Continue reading

Living with unchecked exceptions, part two

Thanks everyone who contributed to my earlier post about living with unchecked exceptions. There were over fifty comments in there that directly or indirectly addressed my questions.

The major takeaway here is: exceptions are a bit of a mess in C#. The language semantics and the organization (or lack thereof) of the exception hierarchy makes it hard to know what exceptions you should be catching and which you should be letting go. A lot of people left a lot of great comments but the one that resonated most strongly with me was

I think the whole notion of “handling” exceptions is a bit of a fool’s game. I can probably count on the fingers of one hand the times where I’ve been able to catch a specific exception and then do something intelligent with it. 99% of the time you should either catch everything or catch nothing. When an exception of any type occurs, rewind to a stable state and then either abort or continue.

That’s harsh but I think fair. Continue reading

ATBG: How do exceptions interact with the “using” statement?

Today on the Coverity Development Testing Blog‘s continuing series Ask The Bug Guys, I answer a question I get quite frequently: what guarantees do we have about object disposal when the body of a using block is interrupted by an exception? The situation is rather complicated, it turns out.

As always, if you have questions about a bug you’ve found in a C, C++, C# or Java program that you think would make a good episode of ATBG, please send your question along with a small reproducer of the problem to We cannot promise to answer every question or solve every problem, but we’ll take a selection of the best questions that we can answer and address them on the dev testing blog every couple of weeks.

Never say never, part two

This is part two of a two-part series about determining whether the endpoint of a method is never reachable. Part one is here. A follow-up article is here.

Whether we have a “never” return type or not, we need to be able to determine when the end point of a method is unreachable for error reporting in methods that have non-void return type. The compiler is pretty clever about working that out; it can handle situations like

int M()
    while(true) N();
  catch(Exception ex)
    throw new WrappingException(ex);

The compiler knows that N either throws or it doesn’t, and that if it doesn’t, then the try block never exits, and if it does, then either the construction of the exception throws, or the construction succeeds and the catch throws the new exception. No matter what, the end point of M is never reached.

However, the compiler is not infinitely clever. It is easy to fool it:
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Debunking another myth about value types

Here’s another myth about value types that I sometimes hear:

“Obviously, using the new operator on a reference type allocates memory on the heap. But a value type is called a value type because it stores its own value, not a reference to its value. Therefore, using the new operator on a value type allocates no additional memory. Rather, the memory already allocated for the value is used.”

That seems plausible, right? Suppose you have an assignment to, say, a field s of type S:
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Locks and exceptions do not mix

A couple years ago I wrote a bit about how our codegen for the lock statement could sometimes lead to situations in which an unoptimized build had different potential deadlocks than an optimized build of the same source code. This is unfortunate, so we’ve fixed that for C# 4.0. However, all is still not rainbows, unicorns and Obama, as we’ll see.
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