Excessive explanation, part nine

Last time we defined the grammar of our language “Exp”, which consists of identifiers, lambdas, function application and let expressions. This is a programming language. We also need a different language to formally describe types and “type schemes”. The paper says:

Note that types are absent from the language Exp. Assuming a set of
type variables α and of primitive types ι, the syntax of types τ and of
type-schemes σ is given by

τ ::= α | ι | τ → τ
σ ::= τ | ∀α σ

The high order bit here is that the language Exp is just expressions; we have no ability to declare new types in this language. So we assume for the purposes of type inference that there is an existing set of primitives — int, string, bool, whatever — that we can use as the building blocks. What those primitives are does not matter at all because the type inference algorithm never concerns itself with the difference between int and bool. The primitive types are meaningless to the type inference algorithm; all that matters is that we can tell them apart.

The first line in the grammar gives the syntax for types; a type tau can be one of three things.

  • A type can be a generic “type variable” — the T in List<T> in C#, for example — that we will notate alpha, beta, and so on.
  • A type can be one of a set of “primitive” types: int, string, whatever. Doesn’t matter.
  • The only other kind of type is “function which takes a type and returns a type”. That is, a function of one argument, with an argument type and a return type, is a type.

Just as they did with the Exp language, the authors have omitted parentheses from the language of types. Unlike with the Exp language, they neglected to call out that they were doing so.

The second line in the grammar gives the syntax for type schemes.

What’s a type scheme? Recall earlier that we said that a type scheme is a bit like a generic type. More formally, a type scheme is either just a plain type (including possibly a type variable), or “for any type alpha there exists a type such that…”

A type-scheme ∀α1...∀αn τ (which we may write ∀α1...αn τ) has generic
type variables α1...αn.

I’ve never liked “type variables” — I think variables should, you know, vary. The C# spec calls these type parameters, which is much more clear; a parameter is given a value by substituting an argument for it. But that’s the next episode!

Anyways, this sentence is just pointing out that for notational convenience we’ll omit the universal quantifiers in the cases where we have a large number of type variables in a row. But we will always have the quantifiers on the left hand side of the schema. A quantifier never appears in a type, only in a type schema.

Something important to realize here is that types and type schemes are just another syntax for a language, like “Exp”, our expression language. A “type” in this conception is simply a string of symbols that matches the grammar of our type language.

An interesting point to call out here: note that this type system has no generic “classes”. There is no “list of T” in this system. We’ve got primitive types, we’ve got function types, and we’ve got generic functions, and that’s it.

Again, this is because we don’t need anything more complicated than generic functions in order to make type inference interesting. If we can solve the problem of inference in a world with generic functions, we can very easily extend the inference to generic types. So let’s keep it simple and not introduce generic types into our core language.

A monotype μ is a type containing no type variables.

This just introduces a new jargon term, to distinguish generic types from non-generic types.

And that’s it for section two; that was a lot shorter than the introduction.

Next time: as promised, type substitution.

Excessive explanation, part two

We continue with my excessively detailed explanation of the seminal paper on the ML type inference system…

1 Introduction

This paper is concerned with the polymorphic type discipline of ML, 
which is a general purpose functional programming language, although 
it was first introduced as a metalanguage (whence its name) for 
constructing proofs in the LCF proof system. [4]

These bracketed numbers are not footnotes; they are references to other papers. See the original paper’s list of references if you want to follow up on these references.

By “type discipline” we basically mean the same thing as “type system”. That is, there is some way of determining the “type” of the expressions in a programming language, and detecting when the programs are erroneous due to violations of the typing rules.

By “polymorphic” here we mean what a C# programmer would mean by “generic”. There are many kinds of polymorphism in computer programming. “Subtype polymorphism” is what object-oriented programmers typically think of when someone says “polymorphism”:

void M(Animal a) { ... }
Giraffe g = new Giraffe();
M(g); // No problem.

That’s not the kind of polymorphism we’re talking about here. Rather, we’re talking about:

void N<T>(List<T> list) { ... }
List<int> g = ...;
N(g); // No problem.

This is often called “parametric polymorphism”, because the method takes a “type parameter”.

ML has parametric polymorphism, not subtype polymorphism.

A metalanguage is a language used to implement or describe another language. In this case, ML was first created to be the metalanguage for LCF, “Logic for Computable Functions”. The purpose of LCF was to automatically find proofs for mathematical theorems; you could write little programs in ML that described to the LCF system various strategies for trying to get a proof for a particular theorem from a set of premises. But as the paper notes, ML and its descendants are now general-purpose programming languages in their own right, not just implementation details of another language.

The type discipline was studied in [5] where it was shown to be 
semantically sound, in a sense made precise below, but where one 
important question was left open: does the type-checking algorithm — 
or more precisely the type assignment algorithm (since types 
are assigned by the compiler, and need not be mentioned by the 
programmer) — find the most general type possible for every expression 
and declaration?

As the paper notes, we’ll more formally define “sound” later. But the basic idea of soundness comes from logic. A logical deduction is valid if every conclusion follows logically from a premise. But an argument can be valid and come to a false conclusion. For example “All men are immortal; Socrates is a man; therefore Socrates is immortal” is valid, but not sound. The conclusion follows logically, but it follows logically from an incorrect premise. And of course an invalid argument can still reach a true conclusion that does not follow from the premises. A valid deduction with all true premises is sound.

Type systems are essentially systems of logical deduction. We would like to know that if a deduction is made about the type of an expression on the basis of some premises and logical rules, that we can rely on the soundness of those deductions.

The paper draws a bit of a hair-splitting distinction between a type checking algorithm and a type assignment algorithm. A type checking algorithm verifies that a program does not violate any of the rules of the type system, but does not say whether the types were added by the programmer as annotations, or whether the compiler deduced them. In ML, all types are deduced by the compiler using a type assignment algorithm. The question is whether the type assignment algorithm that the authors have in mind finds the most general type for expressions and function declarations.

By “most general” we mean that we want to avoid situations where, say, the compiler deduces “oh, this is a method that takes a list of integers and returns a list of integers”, when it should be deducing “this is a method that takes a list of T and returns a list of T for any T”. The latter is more general.

Why is this important? Well, suppose we deduce that a method takes a list of int when in fact it would be just as correct to say that it takes a list of T. If we deduce the former then a program which passes a list of strings is an error; if we deduce the latter then it is legal. We would like to make deductions that are not just sound, but also that allow the greatest possible number of correct programs to get the stamp of approval from the type system.

Here we answer the question in the affirmative, for the purely 
applicative part of ML. It follows immediately that it is decidable 
whether a program is well-typed, in contrast with the elegant and 
slightly more permissive type discipline of Coppo. [1]

This is a complicated one; we’ll deal with this paragraph in the next episode!

What is up with transparent identifiers? Part two

This will be my last post before I head off for my annual vacation in Canada; see you again in September for more Fabulous Adventures in Coding!

Last time on FAIC I suggested a rule for translating nested “from” query expressions into a much simpler form than the C# specification requires. Why does the C# specification not use my simplified form?

In fact what I showed yesterday is pretty close to what the LINQ translation rules for SelectMany queries looked like shortly before shipping C# 3.0. The problem with it becomes apparent when you consider the following: Continue reading

What is “duck typing”?

Seriously, what is it? It’s not a rhetorical question. I realized this morning that I am totally confused about this.

First off, let me say what I thought “duck typing” was. I thought it was a form of typing.

So what is “typing”? We’ve discussed this before on this blog. (And you might want to check out this post on late binding and this post on strong typing.) To sum up:

Continue reading

ATBG: method type inference with multiple interfaces

Today on the Coverity Development Testing Blog‘s continuing series Ask The Bug Guys, I take a question from an “Eric L”, who is confused about one of the subtle rules of method type inference despite having written the rule himself. My colleague Jon takes a question from a beginner C programmer about memory allocation.

As always, if you have questions about a bug you’ve found in a C, C++, C# or Java program that you think would make a good episode of ATBG, please send your question along with a small reproducer of the problem to TheBugGuys@Coverity.com. We cannot promise to answer every question or solve every problem, but we’ll take a selection of the best questions that we can answer and address them on the dev testing blog every couple of weeks.

A contravariance conundrum

Suppose we have my usual hierarchy of types, Animal, Giraffe, etc, with the obvious type relationships. An IEqualityComparer<T> is contravariant in its type parameter; if we have a device which can compare two Animals for equality then it can compare two Giraffes for equality as well. So why does this code fail to compile?

IEqualityComparer<Animal> animalComparer = whatever;
IEnumerable<Giraffe> giraffes = whatever;
IEnumerable<Giraffe> distinct = giraffes.Distinct(animalComparer);

This illustrates a subtle and slightly unfortunate design choice in the method type inference algorithm, which of course was designed long before covariance and contravariance were added to the language.

Continue reading

Dynamic contagion, part two

This is part two of a two-part series on dynamic contagion. Part one is here.

Last time I discussed how the dynamic type tends to spread through a program like a virus: if an expression of dynamic type “touches” another expression then that other expression often also becomes of dynamic type. Today I want to describe one of the least well understood aspects of method type inference, which also uses a contagion model when dynamic gets involved. Continue reading

How do we ensure that method type inference terminates?

Here’s a question I got from a coworker recently:

It is obviously important that the C# compiler not go into infinite loops. How do we ensure that the method type inference algorithm terminates?

The answer is quite straightforward actually, but if you are not familiar with method type inference then this article is going to make no sense. You might want to watch this video if you need a refresher. Continue reading

Foolish consistency is foolish

Once again today’s posting is presented as a dialogue, as is my wont.

Why is var sometimes required on an implicitly-typed local variable and sometimes illegal on an implicitly typed local variable?

That’s a good question but can you make it more precise? Start by listing the situations in which an implicitly-typed local variable either must or must not use var.

Sure. An implicitly-typed local variable must be declared with var in the following statements:

Continue reading

An inheritance puzzle, part one

Once more I have returned from my ancestral homeland, after some weeks of sun, rain, storms, wind, calm, friends and family. I could certainly use another few weeks, but it is good to be back too.

Well, enough chit-chat; back to programming language design. Here’s an interesting combination of subclassing with nesting. Before trying it, what do you think this program should output?

public class A<T> 
  public class B : A<int> 
    public void M() 
    public class C : B { }
class MainClass 
  static void Main() 
    A<string>.B.C c = new A<string>.B.C();

Should this say that T is int, string or something else? Or should this program not compile in the first place?

It turned out that the actual result is not what I was expecting at least. I learn something new about this language every day.

Can you predict the behaviour of the code? Can you justify it according to the specification? (The specification is really quite difficult to understand on this point, but in fact it does all make sense.)

The answer is in the next episode!